Substance use treatment; Detoxification; Treatment for co-occurring substance use plus either serious mental health illness in adults/serious emotional disturbance in children
Outpatient; Outpatient detoxification; Outpatient methadone/buprenorphine or naltrexone treatment; Regular outpatient treatment
Buprenorphine used in Treatment; Naltrexone used in Treatment
This facility administers/prescribes medication for alcohol use disorder
No formal relationship with prescribing entity
Buprenorphine detoxification; Buprenorphine maintenance; Buprenorphine maintenance for predetermined time; Prescribes buprenorphine; Prescribes naltrexone; Relapse prevention with naltrexone; Lofexidine/clonidine detoxification
Acamprosate (Campral®); Disulfiram; Buprenorphine with naloxone; Buprenorphine without naloxone; Naltrexone (oral); Clonidine; Medication for mental disorders; Nicotine replacement; Non-nicotine smoking/tobacco cessation
Motivational interviewing
Private for-profit organization
Cash or self-payment
Comprehensive mental health assessment; Comprehensive substance use assessment; Interim services for clients; Outreach to persons in the community; Complete medical history/physical exam; Screening for tobacco use; Screening for substance use; Screening for mental disorders; Professional interventionist/educational consultant
Drug or alcohol urine screening
Aftercare/continuing care; Discharge Planning; Naloxone and overdose education; Outcome follow-up after discharge
Assistance with obtaining social services; Mentoring/peer support
Alcohol Detoxification; Benzodiazepines Detoxification; Cocaine Detoxification; Methamphetamines detoxification; Opioids detoxification; Medication routinely used during detoxification
Smoking/vaping/tobacco cessation counseling
Smoking permitted without restriction
Adults; Young adults
Female; Male
Vaping permitted in designated area
Case management service; Mental health services